Law Christian Fellowship Church was established in September 2016, as an Evening Meeting,

having our Services in the Tom Craig Centre, Lawhill Roda, Law.

The Scripture from Matthew 16:18b. Was the foundation.

… I will build my Church, and the gates of Hades / Hell shall not prevail against it.

We carried on for a year … then started the Morning Services, also at Tom Craig Centre.

During this time we help our Prayer Meetings in our home, and spent a year and a half Praying …

“Lord there are so many hurting people in this Village of Law” … “Would You make, Law

Christian Fellowship, a First Aid Post”!

We were given the information that the local Doctor's Surgery was closing, and I wrote to Dr Logan

(Wishaw Practice) Thanking him for both his fathers and his input into the care of the people in

Law for so many year, and asking if we as a Fellowship could have a long-term lease on the


Meanwhile, at the Prayer Meeting, I shared the letter with our Church (around 15 of us including Children) … when Mark our Elder started to laugh … when asked why? He said, we have been

Praying that we would be a first aid post …. and we are now looking at a Doctors Surgery as our

Church Building.

Confirmation from God was:-

Mission Praise 151. For I’m building a people of power.

Romans 13:11-14.

Haggai 2:1-9.

Plaque on the wall inside the Church Building:-

Dr. James Logan built the Surgery in Law in 1989 to serve and care for the people of the village.

By God’s provision, Law Christian Fellowship bought the Surgery in 2018 to serve and care for the people of the village and to the Glory of God.